We Can All Be Happy. We Just Have To Look In The Right Place
My goal for 2019 is to have more fun. I have to admit, I’ve spent way too many years of my life not having fun, not being happy. How...

Are We Living In A Simulated Reality?
According to several scientists, we are living in a simulated reality. In fact, Elon Musk says there’s only a one in a billion chance...

Is Hell Real? | How The Belief in Hell Creates Cognitive Dissonance
In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who...

Hypnosis | Rapid Inductions
What is the difference between a ‘normal’ hypnosis induction and a rapid induction. Well, some would argue that all are inductions are...

You Don't Need Permission To Be Great
Sometimes, when people can’t give themselves permission to stand in their own power it makes them extremely uncomfortable when you do....

Christ Consciousness | The Difference Between What’s True and What’s Real
When we look around at our world things can seem pretty messed up. There’s war, scarcity and illness. These are the facts and we can’t...

Is Hypnosis Really Real?
A lot of people wonder if hypnosis is even real. If you've ever seen a hypnosis stage show, this is a legitimate question. It looks so...

Don't Be a Victim of Someone Else's Victim Mentality
Victim mentality is a tricky little thing. You see our subconscious mind is always trying to keep us safe and to help us meet our...

How to Instantly Heal Your Karma | Get Off the Karmic Wheel
Karma is the belief that you will be punished for the ‘bad’ things you do and rewarded for the good things you do. It really is just a...

How to Make a Tangible Connection With Your Higher Self
How to Connect to Your Higher Self AKA Christ Self First of all, I’d like to discuss why it’s important to make contact and establish a...